Check GPS at startup When you start OSMTracker, if the GPS has been switched off, the programme will prompt you to turn it back on.Recommended to set this to High accuracy and the device will then use GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile networks to estimate the location. GPS settings Which methods your Android device will use to determine the location.gpx file, and authorised OSMTracker to upload tracks to your OpenStreetMap account. This button will be ‘greyed out’ until you have uploaded a. Enable sound - recommended to tick this box - emits a beep to warn you when voice recording starts and ends.Voice record duration - your choice, but 30 seconds is used by the author.Start OSMTracker, and press the menu icon on your Android device, then select Settings.
Traccar aerial view update#
Transfer the track, pictures and recordings to your computer & read from them to update OSM.To convert the track to a gpx file, press & hold it in the list, then select the appropriate option.When you’ve finished, press the floppy disk icon to save your track & waypoints.

You can also create voice recordings, take photographs and take notes using the buttons.

This article relates to OSMTracker for Android - there is a similar product available for windows mobile.